Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Nucleus: Not Just A Bag Of Chromosomes


Cell Organelles are what keep the cell functioning. They control functions vital for the cell's survival. They keep your cell moving. Organnelles would include: nuecleus, ER, Golgi Apparatus, ribosome, chlorolplast, and more! I'm now going to answer questions about the nucleus.

Cell Organelles
What is the major function of this cell's organelle?controls the cells
Which cell types have this organelle?all
List three things you learned from this article in your own words.Nucleus is important to cell, it controls it, it is the brain
What impact would the absence of this organelle have on the cell?cells would die


Ms. Smith said...

Same Deal as above, you need an article, a link, and the title needs to reflect the article title

Ms. Smith said...

ALL cells have a nucleus? Are you sure?

Would the cell die without a nucleus or without DNA?