Thursday, December 13, 2007

Invention: Green power special


summary:a man named Levinson and he belives that kidney cells transporting ions, and could be well suited to making a miniature battery.He suggests that such biobatteries might be ideal for powering devices inserted in the body, such as insulin pumps or pacemakers.and so he went for it

Questions: What reactions does this enzyme catalyze?it transports ions to the kidney
How is the cell affected if this enzyme is removed? i think it effects it in a bad way because the ions are needed for transporting information
List three things you learned from this article in your own words.ions are transported to the kidneys,the cell culture can draw oxygen, and producing biobatteries with the kind of voltages needed to run medical devices.
What impact would the absence of this molecule have on the cell? bad we need them to help transport


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None said...

Wow your blog is so cool and I really like the Green Power special. I just opened up a blog for biology students and those interested in science. I have a section called Going Green Recipes. I would love to have your input on some ideas.