Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Genetic Engineering


Summary: Workers took eggs containing fruit-fly embryos in different stages of early development. Then they soaked them in DNA. In these experiments, the DNA was kept from other flies that were different in a lot of ways from those providing the eggs. The difference involved ten or eleven genes on different places on the chromosomes.

What process is being used in the article? Taking eggs from fruit-flies and soaking them in DNA

What is the purpose of genetic engineering in this article? To change the structure, the color of the bristles, wing veins, wing structure, and eye color

List three things you learned from this article in your own words.
1.) Genetic engineering changes your features.
2.) DNA occurs in the genes of chromosomes.
3.) It is not to soon to figure out how much genetic engineering is applied to man.

What impact would the absence of this process have on humanity. It would have consequences on the human race

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