Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How Does The Antitumor Drug Get To The Cell Nucleus?


Summary: The article is talking about how the antitumor drug cisplatin get to the nucleus. It passes through the cell membrane and then it finds its way to the nucleus. The article was saying how this process was completed, along with how it ends up getting to the nucleus.

Questions: What is the major function of this cell's organelle? to hold the genetic information of the cell.
Which cell types have this organelle? Eukaryotes
List three things you learned from this article in your own words. That Antitumor drugs can make it to the nucleus, that cisplatin is divided into three segments, and that it first passes throught the cell membrane.
What impact would the absence of this organelle have on the cell? There would be no genetic information in the cell and the information would be scrambled.

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