Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Phospholipids In The Cell Membrane Help Regulate Ion Channels


Summary: Within the cell membrane is a protective barrier, that plays a role in letting some foreign material in the cell. The cell membrane is a specialized environment, it is home to many proteins that enable the cell to interact with the environment. One family of protein is the ,Voltage gated Channels, they are especially important in the conducting signals along and between nerve cells. By opening when they sense a change in the electric field these channels cause ions to rush in or out of the cell, conveying messages.

Which components of the cell membrane are being discussed in the article?The Phosophlipids

What is the purpose of the process or component in the article. How the phosplipds allow particles to enter or leave the cell.

List three things you learned from the article in your own words. I learned that phosophlipids were in the cell membrane. I learned that the cell membrane is home to a variety of proteins. I learned that proteins with the cell membrane enable the cell to interact with it's enviroment.

What impact would the absence of this organelle/process have on the cell? The cell would be suseptible to foreing object both harmful and beneficial.

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