Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Telomere Discovery Could Help Explain Why Cancer Cells Never Stop Dividing


Summary: The article was talking about how scientists found RNA in the Telomeres in DNA. The scientists believe that now they have found the RNA they can find out the function of Telomeres. Now that gives scientist hope because Telomeres causes cancer cells to become immortal. With this new discovery maybe they can hopefully find a way to stop this from happening.

Questions: What are the major functions of nucleic acids in the cell? to hold the genetic information of the cell.
What are the differences in RNA and DNA? DNA is doulble stranded and RNA is single stranded.
List three things you learned from this article in your own words. That scientists are working hard to stop the mutation of cancer, Also that Telomeres cause immortal cells, and that RNA was found on a DNA strand.
What impact would the absence of this organelle have on the cell? No Genetic material or no information would be held. THe organism would be in trouble.

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