Friday, December 7, 2007

'Scrambled' polymers kill drug-resistant bacteria


Summary: Scrambled-up" polymers can kill bacteria, and may offer hope in beating problems of antibiotic drug resistance.They are produced as part of the innate immune response by all kinds of organisms – from plants to humans – to kill bacteria. sticking onto bacteria's membranes and opening holes in them.

Questions: What process is being used in the article? the process being used in this article is how genes can be changed to fight off different things
What is the purpose of genetic engineering in this article? it's purpose is to beat problems with antibiotic drug resistance bacteria.
List three things you learned from this article in your own words. how genes can be enginered to take on different things,about polymers andhow plants and humans are alike in a way.

1 comment:

Ms. Smith said...

Questions: 1-You need to be more specfic, is it recombinate DNA, virally induced, gene thereapy?
3- you need to be more specfic about WHAT you learned (ie Engineering??? What about it)

Finally you need to put a topic label on this post.