Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Endangered Toads


Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is causing many toads to be extinct. This is a deadly chtrid fungus. It has already beagan to kill many amphibans around the world, mainly in Australia, South America, and the UK.

Why is this species endangered? Because of a fungal disease.
What could prevent this organism from going extinct? They haven't found a way to control this disease at this moment.
List three things you learned from this article in your own words. I learned that frogs are seen as an important bio-indicator and it acts as an early warning system for environmental problems.
What impact would the absence of this organism have on its ecosystem/community? Climate changes can make the frogs immune systems weak, it can produce air and waterbourne pollutants such as herbicides, habitat loss, and it could make more infections.

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