Tuesday, December 11, 2007

GM virus shrinks cancer tumours in humans


Summary: The article opens by telling us that a virus engineered to target cancer tumours has shown promising results in treating liver cancer in a small, early-stage clinical trial. Since the early 1990s researchers have tried using modern genetic engineering to tailor viruses to specifically infect and destroy cancer cells. But some experts say the specially designed viruses do not replicate fast enough within tumours to have a big impact.

What process is being used in the article? Engineering viruses to target cancer tumors.

What is the purpose of genetic engineering in this article? To help eliminate cancer tumors.

List three things you learned from this article in your own words. Viruses can help shrink tumors, rabies vaccination can shrink tumors, This process has been worked on for 17 years.

What impact would the absence of this process have on humanity? Without this process patients with tumors will have to wait longer until they find another way to shrink the cells.

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