DNA strands elasticity is altered by being exsposed toUV light. The small changes in cross linking can very profoundly affect the ability of DNA to recognize specific molecules. It can disrupt its ability to replicate and interact with transcriptional machinary to sythesize proteins. The collegues found out that the viral DNA exposed to UV light are due to the local unwinding of the double helix in some regions arising form the massive formation of crosslinked structures.
What are the major functions of nucleic acids in the cell? The major function of nucleic acid is to store information need for the cell.
What are the differences in RNA and DNA? RNA is a nucluic acid composed of a single strandand distinguished from DNA by comtaining ribose and uracil. DNA is hereditary info in the form of a large moleculecalled deoxyribonucleic acid.
List three things you learned from this article in your own words.I learned that they had examined synthetic DNA to to figure out the limit to which diffrent bases are affected by UV light. I also learned that these were the first measurements that establish a relationship between DNA nanomechanics and damage. One of the colluges belived this paves the way for streach release for spectroscope measurments in DNA dianostics.
What impact would the absence of this organelle have on the cell?If they didn't have the DNA in this, there would be nothing to cause people to get skin cancer from the UV light distorting it.
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