Monday, December 10, 2007

Chimps outperform students in a memory game


Chimps have a more photographic memory than 12 university students. Students were to memorize the locations of number 1-9, which were at random locations on a computer screens each time. The numbers appeared on the screenfor 650, 430 or 210 milliseconds. The numbers then were replaced by blank white squares.

  1. How is natural selection or evolution illustrated in this article? Monkeys have become alomost smarter than humans when it comes to memorizing things such as locations of numbers.
  2. How does this support Darwin original findings?
  3. List three things you learned from this article in your own words. Chimps have a more photographic memory. University students werent able to do this as fast as a chimp. Chimps were able to do this really really fast.
  4. What impact would the absence of this organism have on the ecosystem? Possibly, humans wouldnt be here today...

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