Summary: There are only two bear species that remain unthreatened from extiction. There is a total of 8 species or bear worldwide. The american brown bear and black bear have the least concern. Sun bears are considered to be vulnerable. You can be in a forest for over 5 years and never see one. These bears are caged, killed and used for bile used for medical remedy's.
- Why is this species endangered? hunting, catching of bears, trade
- What could prevent this organism from going extinct? people to stop hunting them
- List three things you learned from this article in your own words. The sun bear lives in the forests of Asia, from India to China, and all the way to Indonesisa. Farmers and even restaraunt owners capture up to 20 bears in cages. Wild bears are alos hunted for their paws to be used in soups
- What impact would the absence of this organism have on its ecosystem/community? the fish population would be up, hunters wouldnt have the claws they use for soups.
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make sure you answer #4
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