Monday, December 10, 2007

Ecology: Dolphins wave weed to attract a mate


Summary: An ecological trait of dolphins in way that they attract mates are unique. Experts say dolphins wave the weed that they carry as a mating call. Item carrying is a way of living for dolphins being that it helps dolphins obtain important things. It especially used as a sexual techinique to attract a mate.

What kind of relationship is being described in the article? the relationship between dolphins and their methods of finding a mate.
Describe the niche being discussed in the article. Dolphins found in prts of Venezuela, Brazil, and Bolivia
List three things you learned from this article in your own words.
1.Ways in which dolphins attract mates
2.Dolphins carry sea weed
3. Way in which dolphins reproduce
What impact would the topic of the article have on the biosphere? Production of more dolphins beginning with mating calls

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